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Finale Picks

This page will detail the process of predicting the finale results for a league, as it works slightly differently than a typical episode pick.

Making Finale Picks

In Reality Survivor League, members who make it to the finale must make all of the following predictions:

  1. The placements of all remaining contestants at the time of the finale (usually top 5)
  2. The winner of the final 4 immunity challenge (used as a tiebreaker)
  3. The winner of the final 4 firemaking challenge (used as a tiebreaker)
Screenshot of finale page


Once finale results are available, league admins can compute the winner and complete the league

The league winner is computed using an expertly-crafted algorithm, but since no one will read that whole flowchart, here’s a rough idea:

  1. Obviously, if you predict everything perfectly, you will win or tie for the win with others who did so
  2. Otherwise, if you are the only person who got the right finale 3 or the right final 3 placements, you’ll win
  3. Everything else comes down to tiebreakers (e.g., if only one person got the right 4th/5th placement, if only one person got final immunity right, if only one person got firemaking right)
  4. Placements matter more than the other tiebreakers. Firemaking winner is the last-ditch effort to break the tie, everything else matters more.